Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra

Father Christmas, Old Santa Claus

Servant Biography

Name:Nicholas of Bari
Height/Weight:181cm ・ 88kg
Source:Historiae Ecclesiasticae Tripartitae Epitome, The Abridged History of Rome and Christianity
Region:Patara, Roman Empire
Alignment:Lawful ・ Good


Very little is known about the historical Saint Nicholas. The earliest accounts of his life were written centuries after his death and contain many legendary elaborations. He is said to have been born in the Greek seaport of Patara, Lycia in Asia Minor to wealthy Christian parents. In one of the earliest attested and most famous incidents from his life, he is said to have rescued three girls from being forced into prostitution by dropping a sack of gold coins through the window of their house each night for three nights so their father could pay a dowry for each of them.
Nicholas's name also occurs as "Nicholas of Myra of Lycia" on the tenth line of a list of attendees at the Council of Nicaea recorded by the historian Theodoret in the Historiae Ecclesiasticae Tripartitae Epitome, the abridged history (in twelve books) of the early Christian Church known as the Tripartite History, was the standard manual of Church history in Medieval Europe.
As a Historic Spirit, Saint Nicholas is commonly calmed of temper, while he has a tendency to dote on children, much like his historical depiction. Though it is difficult, he can be surprisingly hotheaded and rash when driven to fury. He acts quite civilized, and is usually rather pleasant to speak with. However, unlike Vlad Dracul, who despises his mythical depiction, Nicholas fully embraces his markings as Santa Clause, and is known moreso for his tendency to sleep for long periods of time, claiming to 'store energy for the annual trip', and, on Christmas Day, use up a great deal of mana, travelling thd world and delivering gifts.
His story is a tale of bitterness and strife. Orphaned at a young age by the carelessness of others, Nicholas grew up bitter and spiteful. Squandering his significant fortune on sin and vice, he was little more than a street tough until he saw a sight which made his fire stir: a man being forced to sell his children to slavery. With much of his fortune gone, he used what he could spare in order to spare the man's children this fate, casting goldpouches through the man's window at night to pay off the cruel debt collectors. Yet even then, he did not see himself a hero... he told the man as much. Despite this, however, tales of Nicholas' good spread: though his methods were often less than Saintly, as he had seen his calling as a fighter for justice, and would oft resort to violence if it meant seeing justice done. Soon, he became something of a folk hero... and the Church, seeing his popularity rise, offered to give him necessities and pay his debts if he joined them as a holyman. Henceforth, his deeds were taken as the church's will, though he oft rebelled from their ideals. Striking a statesman amidst a congression, foregoing the rites of exorcism and cleansing in favor of destroying a shrine plagued by demons with an axe, even while under the Church's roof he continued in his own brand of Justice.
Over years, the Church expunged his history of violence, making him into the kindly old Saint Nick he is known as today.
Primarily, he weilds an axe as a main means of self defense, such as he did when destroying demon infested pagan shrines, when he isn't making use of his own fist. With his power, any weapon he wields becomes holy, effective against those of dark disposition.


Noble Phantasms

The Red-Nosed Reindeer ——— RudolphA++Curse type Noble Phantasm. As leader and guide of Nicholas' Reindeer, he and his master share a bond, letting the pack follow Nicholas' commands without him speaking them. Rudolph's luminous nose can blind those who stare, cursing them with the reindeer's misfortune.
The Embodiment of Christmas ———— Santa Claus(Rank)The name of Saint Nicholas' legend, Santa Claus, fills him with strength... astride his sleigh, he conjures the cold Northern winds, creating snow in the wake of his flying vehicle, creating a Reality Marvel, encompassing the field, and transporting any inside to an illusion... a snow globe, where those they cherish await them, to spend an unending Christmas Day in peace. However, those souls without any care may easily break free, as the illusion cannot give happiness to those who do not desire it.


Active Skills
Toy Shop (Golden Rule)EXSanta's workshop is the workshop where Santa Claus is said to make the toys and presents given out at Christmas. In Santa Claus mythology, the "workshop" is a sprawling commune located at the North Pole. In addition to housing the factory where toys are either manufactured or distributed by the elves, the complex also houses the residence of Santa Claus, his wife, companions and all of the reindeer. As a result of his extensive factory, Saint Nicholas, the Spirit Origin of Santa Claus, was granted a special sect of Golden Rule; the ability to generate an endless supply of self-sustaining household items, including children's toys and collectibles even Adults would spill their wallet for.
Saint's GiftBThe mark of Nicholas' Sainthood, he is able to ease the burdens and pains of himself and his allies.
Unconventional BanishmentAAny weapon wielded by Saint Nicholas becomes Holy, granting it greater effectiveness against Heroic Spirits of the Evil alignment.